So a lot of us have had an issue with Transit in our daily life. Buses may be late, trains may be dirty, autos may overcharge, and the list goes on.
The general solution till a while back would be to call up the Authorities, tell them your problems, let them ignore it and go on.
But not anymore. In today’s age and times, many Government Transcos as well as Private ones are online! You can always send out a tweet and wait till you get a reply. Such is the power of Social Media.
A group of us have planned a Hashtag for this on Twitter and Instagram; #TransitIssuesIN.
Now; the power of Social Media is a well known fact. With more government bodies and private parties getting onto the Social Media bandwagon, it is easy to ensure that this reaches the right person. And Twitter and Instagram, ensure that it remains in Public view, or to be a little legal, ‘On Record’.
How do we go about this?
Simple, let us follow a small procedure.
First, ensure you have a Twitter and Instagram account. Follow accounts of people you know, people who can help share and amplify your content. You can follow me [@Rsrikanth05 on Twitter, @Rsrikanth05 on Instagram], and the blog [@BESTpedia on Twitter].
Second, connect your Twitter and Instagram accounts. Click here to learn how to do so. However, since Twitter doesn’t show photos uploaded to Instagram as native images and only provides a link to Instagram, the best thing to do would be to use IFTTT to link the two. IFTTT [short for IF This Then That], allows you to create a Recipe to make your Instagram photos appear as Native images on Twitter. Click here to find out more about this recipe.
Third, upload your image. Let IFTTT share it on Twitter. Ensure you use the Hashtag: #TransitIssuesIN at the start of your post.
And that’s it. You’re done. Let the power of Social Media take your post up. Let us try and create a revolution that forces these service providers to sit up and take heed of the problems that they often cause, irrespective of whether it is Intentional or Accidental.

Why Instagram and Twitter?
Simple, both are public platforms [unless you keep your account private, which dilutes the purpose this entire exercise], both are simple, and easy to use. The impact of an image on the human mind is far superior to text, and images are more likely to be viewed in search results on Twitter.
So go ahead, take things forward!
Instagram your Transit problems with #TransitIssuesIN !!! Share on XA special thanks to Richa [] for letting me know of the Instagram-IFTTT-Twitter link.
A huge shoutout to #BlogChatter [] for giving me the ideas and the motivation for coming up with this.
This is awesome! Why aren’t we discussing this more online? And everywhere else? Great initiative.
Well, it’s an initiative from our end. It’s up to the General Populace to take it forward.
A brilliant concept if you ask me, but will the government be willing to take it forward? Or if officials turn a blind eye?