It’s a simple question. How does the monorail switch tracks? We’ve seen regular trains and the metro switching tracks. But it’s a bit difficult with the monorail right? Especially given that the train traverses along a straddle beam?
Well, the answer is simple, truth be told. The entire straddle beam moves.
Don’t believe me? Watch this video:
If you look at the switch tracks on Google Earth, you’ll notice these are sections with a concrete platform below the beams.
Here are two such images. You can see that where the Switch track is present, the straddle beam is resting on concrete and the blue control sheds that you see in the video above, are also visible.

In the picture above, you can see the tracks aligned straight. In the pictures below, you can see the tracks aligned differently.

So how exactly does this work?
The straddle beam for the switch is mounted on a set of wheels that are perpendicular to the beam itself. These wheels move from on side of the viaduct to the other side but to varying lengths, thus forming the curve that you see.
Below is another example of how the switch happens, this time from the Osaka Monorail in Osaka, Japan.
Fascinating, isn’t it, how a monorail switches tracks?
Well, that’s all from me for this time. Hope you enjoyed this post. Once normalcy returns, I’ll try and get a good video of the monorail switching tracks.
Featured Image: Mumbai Monorail by Ashwin Kumar on Flickr.