This is my first post.
Hi, this is just to say hi to all of you.
BESTpedia, as the name suggests, is all about BEST. What is BEST, you ask?
Well, BEST [or बेस्ट] is the ubiquitous red bus that you see on the roads of Bombay [or Mumbai if you prefer].
However, that is not all, while BESTpedia will remain to serve as a place where I document BEST, it will also have a few posts here and there on other Transcos like the PMPML, BMTC, NMMT, AMTS, DTC, KSRTC, MTC, MSRTC, et al. It may also delve into other transport related elements, including, but not limited to Toll Plazas, and Road Medians.
A post or two, once in a while may appear, linking you to a video or short film that we would have made.
Till the next post, adios, cheerio, adieu, goodbye.